Monday, February 25, 2008

Sundays Six Gap Ride

Raced in Greenville SC, Saturday on the road it was very fun had a blast. There was some crazy business at the finish so I sat up and just finished with the group. Look forward to getting a little more of that road stuff.

Sunday a bunch of us decided we would all hit the gaps. The weather was COLD and my legs never woke up or never warmed up. Not sure what I was doing but I felt like crap the legs just didn't like going up hill fast. I was very happy when the day was over. When we returned to the car the local Sheriff pulled up with his lights on to let us know if any more cyclist got naked on the side of Hwy 52 they were going to Jail. We asked him if changing using a towel was ok and we were told NO. So be careful while getting dressed or undressed up there. Not sure who he was talking about as it felt like 30 degs outside and getting naked and dancing around in front of passing cars never crossed my mind as a good Idea. If it you running around naked please find a tree or something. Later

athens to oconee nat forest epic

Dryer Tech

Dryer Tech